Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Week Four of 52 weeks of Thankfulness

Chivalry. Dead or Alive or only for the lucky ones....

Well I consider myself a lucky one. Not only did I marry Mr Right I married a gentlemen. And I ain't ashamed to admit that the chivalry that goes with that class of gentlemen tickles my fancy!

Mr Right a knight of the round table. A loyal, strong, committed, loving and dangerous* (I thought he would like that one) man.

I think there is nothing wrong with chivalry. I don't think it lowers a woman's level of class, power or dominance. In fact for me it romanticizes the way a man can show, one way of many ways, of how he loves me.

On the weekend Mr. H and I went camping. A pastime that is not necessarily right up there for one little lady but definitely enjoyed because I know how much he L.O.V.E.S it. It rests the wicked, calms the anxiety and you can actually breathe as your lungs are suppose too. During this weekend we experienced weather that one does not hope to experience while camping. Rain and gusty winds!  However with wild winds comes one wild man on his trusty stead.

Throughout the weekend he kindly parked the car on my side closest to the driest patch or entry to the camping amenities. He pulled out his raincoat and hurried over before I left the car to protect me from the rain. He kindly ordered I stay in the car while he pegged down the tent with extra pegs insisting he did not need my help but rather preferred I stayed safe and dry. And he guaranteed my safety when he made the decision to move the car to higher grounds and kept watch while we slept in the car for a couple of hours until the wind died down.

I work. I earn my own money. I make decisions. I choose what we have for dinner. I open my own car door and I can order for myself. I am still a strong, assertive, decisive (at times) woman even with a man by my side and my arm looped within his.

I believe in chivalry. Perhaps a modern chivalry. A line of roles in a household is important, necessary and simply helps two to exist. Before we were married we talked openly and honestly about our roles in our marriage. We discussed traditional views and modern views. We discussed who would clean, cook and be in charge of the banking. We identified when roles need to be reversed, shared and mostly honored. We catered to each others wants and understandings and came to a greater love for what we believed a husband and wife meant. This isn't for everyone but it was for us.

I will always enjoy a bought meal, an opened car door, a man who carries my groceries and one that looks dapper in his tie and shirt (and a five o'clock shadow to keep the mystery alive). But what makes one man chivalrous compared to another? His deep respect for a woman; wife, daughter, mother, grandmother, aunt, neighbour or friend.

So I am thankful for chivalry. For there is nothing sexier, sweeter, admiring then a man who holds adoring love for a woman and can show it emotionally and physically.

For a man who will walk on the kerb beside you, protecting you from the on coming world.


*by the way this is merely a dimly lit insight, having read a few controversial blogs and literature on the term 'chivalry' . I know there is more to its origin in regards to knighthood and the debate of whether it is still exists and to what level.
** And for all of you that believe it goes two ways, I also believe it does, just so you know this girl cooks, sews, does laundry, irons and even takes the garbage out! I may be boasting about my love of chivalry but I also know the respect is returned.


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